- Born on 2 October 1943
- Launched and developed Holder Group in France and abroad - Secretary-General of Holder Group, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Boulangeries Paul, board director of Holder SAS (Paul, Ladurée, Château Blanc) (1965-2002)
- Judge at the Lille Commercial Court (1992-1999)
- President of a Chamber at the Lille Commercial Court (1999-2001)
- Secretary-General of the General Conference of Commercial Courts (2001-2003)
- National rapporteur to the General Conference of Commercial Courts (2002-2002)
- Member of Medef, Vice-chairman of the economic dialogue committee - Appointed to the Steering Committee of the Institut Montaigne (2007-2012)
- Member of the Darrois Commission (Report on the legal professions) (2008-2008)
- Founding member of Terra femina website (2008-2013)
- Member of the Committee of Wise Men of Medef-Afep (2009-2012)
- President of the association Force Femmes since 2010 - President of the Equal Opportunities Committee at Medef since 2011
- Board director at the Nord Pas de Calais Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD) and board director of the Fondation Accor (2011-2015)
- Member of the Simplification Committee reporting to Matignon (2014) and then co-chair of the simplification council (2015-2016)
- Board director of UGC since 2014
- National delegate for Emmanuel Macron’s presidential campaign (2017)
- Vice-chairman of Holder Group since its creation
- Member of the Supervisory Board of Caisse des Dépôts since 23 March 2020

Françoise Holder
Qualified person appointed by the State