- Graduate of Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (1974) and Ecole Nationale d'Administration
- d'administration ("Michel de L'Hospital" class)
- Civil administrator 2nd class, assigned to the Ministry of the Economy and the Ministry of the Budget, General Directorate of Taxes (1979-1984)
- Commercial advisor in New York (USA) from 1984 to 1986
- Head of bureau B1 (industrial and commercial profits - corporate income tax) in the tax legislation department of the Ministry of the Budget (1986-1988)
- Head of Sub-Directorate D (sales tax and indirect taxes) from 1988 to 1989, then Sub-Director of Sales Tax and Indirect Taxes (Sub-Directorate D) in the Tax Legislation Department of the Ministry of the Budget from 1989 to 1991.
- General Secretary of Compagnie Financière IBI and Deputy Managing Director of International Bankers SA (1991-1992).
- Member of the Executive Committee of Banque Colbert, in charge of operations (1992-1995)
- Representative of the main shareholder in the USA, UK and Benelux at Axa-UAP in 1995
- International Life Director, Axa Group (1996-1997)
- International Life Director for the United States and the United Kingdom for the Axa-UAP group (1997-1998)
- Senior Vice President, International, United States, United Kingdom and Benelux, Axa (1998-2000)
- Executive Vice President, Strategy, Business Support and Development, Corporate Finance, AXA (2000-2001)
- Member of the AXA Executive Committee (2000-2016)
- Executive Vice-President, Finance, Control and Strategy, AXA (2001-2003)
- Member of the AXA Management Board and Executive Vice-President, Finance, Control and Strategy, then Executive Vice-President, Finance, Strategy and Operations of AXA (2003-2010)
- President of the CFO Forum association (2007-2009)
- Member of the AXA Management Committee and Director and Chief Operating Officer of AXA, in charge of finance, strategy and operations (2010-2016)
- Member of the Private Sector of Advisory Group (OECD/World Bank) in 2014
- Chairman of the AXA Board of Directors (2016-2022)
- Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Fondation pour la recherche médicale since 2017
- Chairman of the Insurance Development Forum (IDF) between 2018 and 2022
- Senior advisor, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Iris (venture capital) since 2022
- Member of the Supervisory Board of Caisse des Dépôts since April 6, 2023

Denis Duverne
Honorary civil administrator, qualified person, appointed by the President of the French National Assembly