In 2021, La Poste Group reported operating revenue of €34.6bn and improved results, with net profit/(loss), Group share of +€1.5bn compared to 2020 net profit (Group share) of €1.2bn. The new strategic plan "La Poste 2030, committed to you" was launched in 2021 : it is already bearing fruit and will go on in 2022.
In 2021, La Poste Groupe generated operating revenue of €34.6bn and reported a recovery in results thanks to the commitment and efficiency of its postal workers. Thanks also to our shareholders, Caisse des Dépôts and the French State, who supported our investments, thus consolidating our development (…) In 2021, La Poste adopted the status of an “entreprise à mission” which confirms its commitment to serving society as a whole. This commitment is expressed on a daily basis through the postal workers who have been resilient and courageous in the face of the global health crisis.
Philippe Wahl, Chairman and CEO of La Poste Groupe
To discover La Poste Group's 2021 results in full, go to the dedicated website

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